The European Federation of EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) groups (EFEPR)
is an organization which gathers the different regional EPR groups in European
countries and other countries in the region. Some EPR groups are organized in
national EPR groups, others participate as individual groups in the EFEPR. EFEPR
is devoted to interchange of information between the different groups.
Its activities include a triennial conference that provides a forum for
scientists engaged in EPR spectroscopy to present and discuss recent results
and developments. It covers all aspects of EPR spectroscopy, including
applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials, biology and
medecine, new techniques, instrumentation developments and theory. In
addition it organizes EPR schools that disseminate modern EPR methodology
to the community through its young researchers. Moreover, the website allows
for people to post job offers and instrumentation requests/sales and to easily connect.
Up till early September 2016, the only organisms of the federation were
the president and the assembly of the EPR groups during the triennial meeting.
At the EFEPR2016 meeting in Turin, the structure of the EFEPR was changed.
Next to the president, two vice-presidents were elected.
Past president was Sabine Van Doorslaer (University of Antwerp).
Past vice-presidents were Carole Duboc (University Grenoble Alpes)
and Donatella Carbonera (University of Padova).
In November 2022, the general assembly (held via Zoom) has appointed Gunnar
Jeschke (ETH Zürich) as president ad interim. Pierre Dorlet (CNRS, Marseille) has agreed to become vice-president and Daniel Klose (ETH Zürich) secretary
New EFEPR Mailing List 2023
You can now register for the EFEPR mailing list, where we make announcements regarding EFEPR events.
To join the mailing list, you can simply send an email with 'join' (without quotes) in the subject line to:
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Should any questions arise, you can reach the admin under: