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Some countries have national EPR societies and are represented as such in the EFEPR, other countries are not (yet) organized on a national level, but take part in the EFEPR on an individual level.

National European EPR societies

Benelux EPR Society
Henk Vrielinck, Ghent University

Bulgarian EPR Society
Yordanka Karakirova, Inst. of Catalysis, Natl. Center of EPR Spectroscopy

French EPR Society (ARPE)
Olivier Ouari, Aix Marseille University

German ESR Discussion Group | Arbeitskreis EPR der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Olav Schiemann, University of Bonn

Israeli EPR group
Sharon Ruthstein, Bar-Ilan University

Italian EPR group (GIRSE)
Paola Fattibene, Italian Institute of Health (ISS), Rome

Polish EPR group
Piotr Pietrzyk, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Spanish EPR group (GERPE)
José Vidal Gancedo, ICMAB Barcelona

UK RSC ESR spectroscopy group
Christiane Timmel, University of Oxford